
Mount Everest

Qomolangma in Tibetan means "Our Lady", 8848 meters above sea level, is the world's highest peak, is a similar east-west arc of mountains, located on the boundary of the central Himalayas into Nepal, Tibet Tingri County, Shigatse region is south. Fifty-six years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1717) Compilation "Huang Yu full view map" as "the mother Lang Mae Lin Zhu", accurately marked the peak position. Survey of India in 1858 under the auspices of the English people good at the former director of the council the amount of Feier Shi (S. G. Everest) named after the surname of this peak. This peak in 1952, the Chinese government renamed as Mount Everest. Lanes giant pyramid-shaped mountain, a huge glacier, up to 26 km. The world's highest mountain monastery Rongbuk. May 25, 1960 and May 27, 1975 Chinese team has reach the summit from the north slope. Chinese Academy of Sciences has organized several large-scale comprehensive scientific investigation, to obtain important scientific information.
Distributed in Tibet and Mount Everest Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan country, the main part of the junction in China and Nepal. Himalayas is the world's one of the youngest mountain range, between the ages of 1000-2000 years. It consists of many parallel mountain ranges, what length of 2450 km, 200-300 km from north to south. Was extended south of the arc, is to construct a complex of young fold mountains. Intrinsic mountains from north to south into firewood, Ladakh Hill, Great Himalayas, the small Himalayan and mountain siwalik 4 with the main Great Himalayas to the most steep pulse width of 50-90 km, mainly crystalline rocks composition. Great Himalayan habits divided into three sections: Ali Kaplan, west of Nanga Parbat to the Western Indian Himalayas; Champlain east of that wood Nina Morali Chuo peak-to-East Asia as in the Himalayas between the peaks; Yadong east of the Brahmaputra fed up with pagodas at the East Himalayas INDUS. Great Himalayas above the average elevation of 6,000 meters, peak everywhere, more than 7,000 meters, has more than 50 peak, 8,000 meters above the peaks are 16, the world stands at the peak of Mount Everest on the border of China and Nepal. In the range of over 5000 square kilometers around Mount Everest, there are four peaks over 8,000 meters, 7,000 meters above the peak of 38, this phenomenon of the peak together only for the world, it is called "Roof of the World." Erosion of the Himalayas in the numerous rivers and cutting, the formation of many thousands of meters deep canyon channel, into Tibet and surrounding areas a shortcut to trade and cultural exchanges.
Snow peak, Yuan Wang hanging glaciers, towering peaks of silver with one holy scene. Everest at the foot of a huge-scale development of many modern glaciers, cirques, horn peaks, ridges and other glacial phenomena knife widely distributed; snow line Bingta Lin Li, and the relative height of up to 40-50 meters, during which a mixture of deep ice cave, twists and turns of the ice streams, spectacular scenery very strange.
South of the Himalayas, steep, and the more gentle slope. South slope above the Ganges, the Indus plains 6000-7000 m, constitutes a great natural barrier. Because the southern slope facing the Indian Ocean southwest monsoon, it rains, dense forest. The Himalayan north, with gentle slopes and valleys in southern Tibet phase, advised farmers Yi Mu, a gathering of Tibetan people's life.
Here built a temple Rongbuk the world's highest. Monastery in 1899 by the Red Sect Lama Awang Dan created by Rob. Rongbuk is the best place to see Mount Everest; both straight-line distance of 25 km.
That four of the snow-capped mountains above 8,000 meters in a row, in fact, spectacular, snow-capped mountains which four are from left to right: Makalu, 8,463 meters; Lhotse, 8,516 m; Mount Everest, 8,848 meters; Cho Oyu peak, 8201 meters.
Click to view: the southern slope of Mount Everest topographic map
1, transportation: Mount Everest in Nepal Highway as far away as about 100 kilometers south of border line. From Shigatse to New Tingri Lazi find a ride is not very difficult, but the remaining 100 km to the base camp, to get the opportunity to ride very low, it is proposed to be chartered from Lhasa, the most secure.
Before leaving New Tingri Tingri crossing in the new hotel into the mountains for procedures: entering the scope of the number of wheels of a car basis having to pay road construction costs, each wheel 100; In addition, tourists have to pay 65 yuan each for tickets . Walk along the China-Nepal Highway 11 km, see signs to turn left Everest protected areas, from good-bye to the asphalt road, you bad to the extent of future road be prepared.
2, room and board: Everest base camp near the only place to stay is Rongbuk, 25 per bed per person, in this accommodation, easy to watch the morning and evening views of Everest. Rongbuk a Tibetan young man opened the door a small restaurant, the door filled with beer bottles. Bosses do not speak Chinese, but you can order in English and bargaining. The taste of food in general, but the price of your odd, considering all the way from distant Shigatse was shipped over bumps, you can understand.
In fact, there Rongbuk and Everest base camp about 8 km away, with camping equipment if they can also live in the Mount Everest base camp there, you need to bring their own cooking stoves. In the climbing season, the base camp in Tibet Mountaineering Association's liaison officers stationed here, when you can buy from the hands of a small number of liaison officers, food and water, but more expensive, probably Bi Lasa you 3 times. Beer should be 10 yuan / listen.
    Everest into good condition before the final place is Mount Everest Hotel, located in New Tingri, can take a bath, standard room with bathroom costs 330 yuan / room. However, behind the main building houses very cheap price, no bathroom, but very clean, the price as long as 30 yuan / person, you can counter-offer to 20 dollars.
Click to view: Mount Everest Map
3, tickets: Go to Mount Everest Nature Reserve, the foreign guests with the price of 65 yuan / person. Into the Everest region the number of wheels of a car basis having to pay road construction costs, said each wheel 100. That off-road vehicles to 400, while the truck is necessary 600. In addition, each tourist attractions to pay 65 yuan for environmental protection fee.
4, Tip: Everest from the Department, is the mountain not far from the checkpoint. Procedures for investigation over the mountains, then release straight. After 40 kilometers to reach a small village called Tashi cases, there are almost no vegetables at home 2,3 a small restaurant, you can improvise a little something to eat. Then continue to walk about 30 km La pass over the wrong time you can see four snow-capped mountains above 8,000 meters in a line of spectacles, longer follow downhill from here can reach 20 kilometers to Everest base camp.
5 Note: access to Mount Everest, you need to apply for border card, can be handled in Lhasa or Lazi county. But in Tibet, Rush too much trouble before the trip the best seat in the account settled. Obtain a permit to place fill in the time to write Tingri to Everest area.
6, hiking time: the best climate from April to June each year, is climbing the golden season.

