
Haikou, the world's tropical oceans [Haikou]

An area of 538 acres, with a total investment of 800 million yuan in Hainan Tropical Ocean World, is the first of a tropical and marine theme park featuring.
Garden gate into the marine world, come into view is magnificent and the joy of the ocean, the surface area of 20,000 square meters, with a variety of marine life around the sculpture and color fountain. Jiaoren passion is the most fun-filled, another piece of marine water areas, where stocking of the 30,000 tropical fish - colorful Koi. Zhayi a closer look, the water can still be seen in various colors of fish frolic freely. Immediate steps to close the surface, the small little fish like to see "old friends" Yun Ju came from all directions, surrounded by cheering like together, danced a cheerful like "Waltz." There are also set up two unique and innovative entertainment: one laser water screen movie. It is a fine compilation of Hainan by the local folk tales, by the portrait of professional dancers and forceful interpretation of the background music, combined with modern high-tech means of packaging the entire story, presented to the tourists of the water curtain screen, set the sound, light, electricity in one, the creator of modern technology amazing magic charm.
Another project is the "pirate ship and treasure island", is a fake pirate ship shape shape of the nineteenth century made the European sailing. Treasure Island on board and has a few gates of the ancient cannons, the use of modern technology, demonstrating an ancient war scenes. With actors and visitors to participate in "coordinated operations", so that visitors feel, to experience the fun of fighting with the pirates.
Direction along the joy of the ocean to the sea north, then to the children's park. The park is a mangrove forest in Hainan Wenchang legend layout design, and the rides are throughout the stories. Entertainment features vary, but they are around an "entertaining, open mind" theme. Children's playground equipped with bungee jumping, old trees slides, time tunnel, sand traps Park, seesaw, Snow White restaurant, children's theater, Sea Opera House, fantastic trees, hand rail cars and Billy shooting range and so on.
Sea of joy inside, there is a high-altitude trapeze project. This project thrilling, highly challenging, both in time allows, the use of force will be raised to a height of people, and then by the body weight for the pendulum movement. The project in Hangzhou has been listed as a required course for adolescent mental quality training.
Happy Ocean west of 350 meters long is a "river rafting." In this river have been built off the original tree, psychedelic space-time hole, Great Falls, Bermuda, whirlpool, crossed the dangerous shoals and other exotic items. The drift channel design, effects of stimulus, which together with landscaping and sound, light, electricity effects, the process of the whole play is full of adventure and fun atmosphere.
Park also has a tropical rain forest, the area is divided into four smaller parks: rare species of tropical garden, collecting dozens of tropical Hainan for visitors to view rare tree species; tropical fruit garden, is a viewing area and tasting tropical fruit, Park can accommodate hundreds of people set up a tropical fruit buffet area; tropical flower garden, is a display of tropical flowers for visitors to view, visit the scenic recreation; tropical rain forest wonders, is the man to create a tropical rain forest landscape for visitors to stroll, rest .
Of course, the park's main building have the most dazzling number of "Millennium Tower", to commemorate the new millennium, investors spent a total of more than 3,000 yuan to build this pure steel, silver imitation fish-based Tower. Tower as high as 131.101 meters. Equipped with two observation elevators, direct 76.8-meter-high viewing platforms, accompanied by sky gardens. The tower has been listed in Guinness World Records. Landscape lights shining at night, the Millennium Tower is more eye-catching, dazzling, and she has become a landmark of Hainan Province. If the exposure to visitors viewing platform in case of sunny days, you can look beheld dozens of nautical miles of sea and sky views.
In addition, marine style Village, Ocean Park, Pui Art Museum, Whale Museum and other park attractions, show their presence. It is worth mentioning that the investment company a large amount of money will last in the Wenchang area whale skeleton made of the death of marine biological specimens on display at the whale museum for visitors to view, but also as a youth science education.
Park and another one with the most advanced in the international six-dimensional dynamic cinema, a true extension of the 人体各器官 can feel the sensory stimulation. If the long nose elephant Meng a suction in the water, then spray on the screen to the audience, the audience can truly feel her body had the feeling there is poured by water. Really lifelike, it never had to produce a new feeling.

    Attractions Location: West Binhai Road, Haikou City, along
    Transportation: Take City Line bus: Tour all the way, travel Road, travel three-way could be to the Tropical Ocean World, Tickets: 2 yuan
    Attractions Tickets: 20 yuan
    Adjacent sites: Holiday Beach

Yalong Bay National Resort District

Yalong Bay National Resort District is located 28 kilometers southeast of Sanya City, Hainan is the southernmost of a half-moon bay, 7.5 kilometers in length, is the name of one of the King of Hainan. Beach stretches 7,000 meters wide and flat, 50-60 m wide shallow area. Material valuables white sand, clear water Cheng Ying, visibility 7-9 meters. The annual average temperature of 25.5, water temperature, can swim all year round. Seawater good threshing floor, there are rocks, strange beach, rural scenery form a distinctive landscape.
The mother of the Bay of Kam Kok, Yaron angle shot cliff surf, rocks Xun, cliff climbing expedition is a good place. The sea to carry out a variety of water sports available. Underwater world rich in resources, coral reefs, hot meter totem pole, three times around the totem pole is reflected in ancient Chinese legends and culture of Shenzhou sculpture. Square white sail-like spire of four tents, giving the square with an ancient cultural implication added a modern flavor. Currently there are Gloria Resort area and many hotels. The area to carry out a variety of water sports and diving activities, there is Shell Museum, Butterfly Valley for the visit.
The Table Bay Attractions Tickets

     Central Square (including the central square, the Shell House)
Individual tickets: 56 per team votes: 46 yuan student ticket: 31 yuan
yala Tip: directly from the hotel lobby to the beach or take the bus over to the terminal, and from there into the central square are not tickets.

     Butterfly Valley
     Tickets: 24 yuan

    Ticket (including the central square, the Shell Museum, Butterfly Valley)
Individual ticket: 69 yuan team ticket: 58 yuan student ticket: 42 yuan
    Attractions Location: Located 28 kilometers southeast of Sanya City
    Transportation: ◇ by express train from Haikou to Sanya, provincial, and then by Pakistan to the destination city worker culture sit at a green field alone single town car to the field terminal (2 million); sit tricycle into the Yalong Bay Resort, (5 million). ◇ can take a taxi (50) ◇ cactus in the urban areas such as hotels, Gloria Resort, Horizon Resort hotel shuttle bus, but time-consuming, only a group of about 45 minutes.
    Accommodation Guide: Yalong Bay National Resort: Gloria Resort, Horizon Resort Hotel, Cactus Resort Hotel, Zhiyuan resort gardens, Underwater World Hotels
    Entertainment Guide: diving, swimming, boats, motor boats, fishing, parasailing
    Food and drink: fresh seafood
    Local specialties: fresh seafood, crystal jewelry, pearl jewelry
    Adjacent attractions: Yalong Bay Square, Bay Shell Museum, Butterfly Valley Bay

Scenic corners of the earth

Scenic ends of the earth (a must) in Sanya City, 26 km west along the waterfront to reach the foot of the mountain Maling, is the "ends of the earth" spectacle. Visitors So far, it seems to the end of heaven and earth.
In ancient times, blocking traffic, "birds still need half-way," the Qiongdao, sparsely populated, barren and desolate, a feudal dynasty exile "Ni Chen" place. People who come here, come and go blind alley and look at the sea they can not afford, so that the "ends of the earth." Song Ming Chen Hu Quan lamented, "Miles End of the World Road District, if the smoke is Lethal weeds." Tang Yue with the prime minister to "one to ten thousand, thousand of thousands did not return," the poem poured out disgrace what happens. Here the history of recorded demoted Ni Chen's tragic life, portrayed through the Ode on behalf of men of letters, full of mystery to become a famous tourist attraction. This blue sky the same color, Enpa vast, Fan Ying little bit, coconut dancing, strange rocks everywhere, it engraved: "End of the World," "Cape", "Southern pillar", "Hainan Nan Day" and other rock Xiongzhi beach, so that the picturesque area, the United States has won close, according to records, "End of the World" Inscription, prefect of the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Ya Zhou Cheng Zhe the book.
"Southern pillar" is said to be Xuantong years Ya Zhou Qing Fan ladder to know the state of the book. "Southern pillar" There are legends origin. According to legend, long ago, Li has two fairy Lingshui sneak down to earth after that, conduct in the South China Sea, Air for the local fishing means fishing. Queen Mother angry and sent them back Thunder Thunder caught two of the mother refused, into two peaks stones, are being split in two parts, one truncated at the Lian near the sea, beside a length of fly horizon, as today's "south a column. "
Now also has a scenic beach, yacht and marine facilities Diaoyutai, an imitation of the classical modern architecture and traditional architectural style knot garden-used "End of the World Shopping Village", "End of the World Roaming Area", "End of the World Gallery" " End of the World National Customs Garden "," End of the World famous statue of history "and stand in the Cape area, dizzying, away. Near the "fire station", "Sea Point Pavilion", "Huai Su Ting" and the winding mountain composed of multi-level resort.
The origins of the name of attractions: In ancient times, inconvenient transportation, the area from the Central Plains, is inaccessible wild place, where ancient emperors often as exile "Ni Chen" place. Bashansheshui exile who came here, facing the ocean, they issued "to the days of career, Sea Point," sighs. Qing Dynasty Yongzheng, local officials ordered process philosophy in this engraved on the "End of the World," the word again after the other Scholars in the inscription on a stone, "Voyage," the word, since then, there has become a world famous scenic point.
Legend: "End of the World" and "Voyage" This is also a history of two large stones, the legend of a pair of love from both men and women with a family feud, their love was against their tribe, so were forced to flee to place both jumped into the sea, into two boulders, always relative. After the faithful to commemorate their love, something which "End of the World," "Cape" message, then men and women often fall in love "ends of the earth will always go hand in hand" to indicate their minds.

Transport: Civil Aviation Building, bus and other places have to, drive about 30 minutes.

Admission: 65 yuan
Tips: ends of the earth's exports is very interesting, there is a very large shops, stalls display is the "word" type, visitors to shuttle back and forth 6 times to be able to go out, there are long out of the mall stores shopping stalls to get to an exit. If you want to not buy things, it seems heavy to withstand the temptation.


Taihang Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon is located in the Taihang Mountains huguan County of Changzhi City, by the fingers Gap, Longquan Gap, Gap and purple Mission Hill Wang Mang composition, covers an area of 5848 hectares, a total of 44 landscape, attractions, more than 400. There are scenic spots shade blocks out the sun, green woodlands monstrous waves, ax sliced the cliff, Creepy attitudes of the rocks, sweet and delicious springs, such as training silvery waterfalls, blue waves of the deep pools, magnificent temples, magnificent , spectacular caves, fascinating legends.
Gap fingers fingers is the entrance to the peak, the shape seems to be out of the fingers. Fingers because this mountain gorge its name. Peak set male fingers, strange, dangerous, quiet, the United States in one, not only the ax sliced the cliff, there are thousands of strange attitudes of the rocks. The ancients had this description of the peak fingers: "Cliffs five fingers open, arch must dust, Jingtao water suddenly springs up, is blowing hot and cold over there."
Grand Canyon of the strange mountains Taihang vary, there is a leisurely tea, learn chess, chess fairy; are guarding their own territory stern lion, the "detached clouds, not with the mountains Wu," the screen wall peak, with bath sunrise Rooster crowing and outstanding individual detached. Has two quaint mountain is called local paper (that) mountain, though some distance behind a thin paper, like a finger in front of another, so have been called the paper (that) mountain, but it represents a different style.
Gap in the Black Dragon fingers very clear lake, endless flowing throughout the year, in this there is a very interesting argument, it is said every time a severe drought to these people to pray for rain, but rain is the dragon who must be a and snakes, because the guard is a Black Dragon, Black Dragon Pool. The clear mountain stream to bring the people here happy. Visitors can boat the water, the raft.
Cut in the steep cliffs near the ancient plank road, there is a bridge known as fairy stone bridge, it worked Yu Jin communication between the economic and cultural exchanges set no small credit. Fairy bridge built in the Ming Dynasty, long meter, sophomore fifteen meters, structured, robust and simple. According to legend, was once Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Qin five provinces eighth House, ninety-six popular participation in the construction of the county. Not far from the fairy bridge, which connects a solid bridge, cross the bridge and connected to the cave to enter the Longquan Gorge.
Longquan Gap Gap and fingers are two different climatic zones. Good climatic conditions for grass Longquan Gap abundance of water the United States and rich. Longquan Gorge Falls with its deafening roar, splash waterfalls, gives a strong impact.
Gap has a Longquan from ancient Shanxi Henan into the barrier, the river is called off. Although it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution when, but "off the river," words they can see that the contours can also see the ancient customs, ancient bridges and traces of ancient plank road. Records of Three Kingdoms period is a high-ranking cadres kill Cao Cao broken off from here into the Taihang Mountains huguan captured.
Sakamoto also gut the Central Plains and the ancient line of communication so Shangdang an inevitable risk of road, which due to narrow roads, weaves like mule named. Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao to attack entrenched in the Shangdang shuaibing huguan the senior cadres, the way here, he composed a poem "the bitter cold of the line," lamented the difficulties of this line: "north Taihang Mountains, the storm Zai He Proof to Osaka's long and gut, wheel worth destroying. He blows the trees, the North wind is sad. ... .... " Tso Kung on top of base is the result of Cao Cao's two-Shangdang scored the last time the remains of a fortress.
Out of the Longquan Gap, and the third is the Wang Mang canyon gorge. Yu Wang Mang Gap, not less than eighteen. Eighteen people to the Tang dynasty when the communication culture of the party and the Central Plains on the commercial exchange excavated in the cliffs. It was washed across the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi people donated to re-build the ancient plank road, a total puzzle of the thirteen hundred steps, is now being replaced by shade forest roads, it is now only eighteen a major scenic tourist spot.
Wang Mang, a deep gorge in the cave, kill legend is the Wang Mang Liu Xiu, Xiu hiding place. In the gorge there are many on the Wang Mang Wang Mang, Liu Xiu's story. Legend in the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang seized power, he kill emperor Liu Xiu, has been tracked from Henan here, Xiu came to stealth as a rock cliff, and Wang Mang did not find his way here to kill, a falling inattentive the abyss, it's darling hung in the cliffs, in the future to form a heartless stone.
Mission Hill is not only produced excellent purple purple delegation to participate in the mountains is also laden with lush fruit colors, the Taihang Grand Canyon Tour adds new content.
Taihang Grand Canyon park there woody flowers, herbs and other 300 kinds of rare plants, in particular, is a natural growth of the sub-tropical species of Taxus in the Grand Canyon of the emergence of the Grand Canyon even more mysterious.
    If you stay in the Huguan County, but living in Huguan hotel. Many farmers in the area stay inn, near the Longquan recommended red beans Gap Gap Inn, clean, double room 20 per ... huguan Hotel: Standard Room 90,100 yuan /, located in the ancient city of Huguan County Road 10; Phone: 0355-779377
    From Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taiyuan and other places to fly to Changzhi Changzhi of entries in the airport and then take the bus bound for Huguan County. Or direct hit to get off Huguan County in the county, there are many private taxi to the Grand Canyon. As the local taxi drivers have a certain cost to the water, you need visitors and they say a good price in advance of different prices in different vehicles.
    Huguan Huimian
    Speaking of noodles, may be the most adept of Shanxi, there are many sides in the Huguan practice.
    After traveling to the Taihang Grand Canyon can enjoy a large bowl of fun! Face a variety of toppings is also useful, generally called the smell of urine from Shanxi, where we can eat a lot of delicious pasta, there are Huguan Huimian huguan ribs face, according to their preferences, noodle usually have beef and mutton, but the taste is still the best of the best local lamb.
    At the same time come back plate of the famous huguan Sauce drinks, that feeling can not be made in the United States!

Shennongjia Nature Reserve

Shennongjia Nature Reserve was founded in 1982, 1986 was promoted to national forest and wildlife nature reserves, in 1990 admitted to the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme World Biosphere Reserve Network, the total area of 70,467 hectares Shennongjia Nature Reserve, southwest China's central mountains and hills in the transition zone, the mountains are an extension of the bus, Late Precambrian geological structure of a typical area north of the subtropical climate zone in Central Asia the transition region, where a relatively well-preserved primary and secondary biological communities, the study of biological diversity, natural succession of vegetation typical and ideal law, is China's southwest, central, south, north and northwest of the plants and animals Flora of convergence to include the half of China's plant species and sub-tropical, warm temperate, cold temperate vertical distribution of plant types.
Shennongjia Nature Reserve, undulating hills, steep terrain, stream aspect, due to the legendary story of Wang Zhaojun on the Hong River originated. Complex because of the terrain, abundant rainfall, microclimate characteristics very obvious large relative height gap, creating a lot of beautiful, unique natural scenery, many from the third, fourth glacial plants and animals survived the invasion of a living fossil in this reproduction, odd mountain caves, plants everywhere, with high ornamental value of the wild flowers there are more than 250, according to incomplete statistics, there are now known to protect the area 336 terrestrial vertebrates, 200 species of birds , more than 30 species of amphibians and reptiles, insects of 27 orders, accounting for about 81.8% of insect species. National key protected wild animals are rare golden monkey, leopard, tiger, white stork, golden eagle, giant salamander, pull Class A 40-step, in which the eponymous giant golden monkey is our specialty, mainly in protected areas, elevation 1000 -2800 meters, spanning three vertical vegetation belt of coniferous forest and broadleaf forest, mixed among the research has been a focus of scientific research, also found the polar bear protection areas, white deer, white Monkey, White Snake and other albino-type animals.
Protected areas of higher vascular plants have been known 2419 kinds, which is the type of state protection has dove, water, green tree, Ginkgo biloba, Trillium, double the quality of wood, etc., a total of 34 species of forest resources Shennongjia Nature Reserve according to their geographical location, ecological conditions, can be divided into three different forest plants with vertical, that is 800-1500 meters above sea level as the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest forest zone, the altitude is between the subtropical evergreen 800-1500 broad-leaved forest forest zone (800 meters for the cultivation of vegetation); altitude of 1500-2600 meters for the warm temperate deciduous, broadleaf, coniferous forest; altitude of 2600 meters above the cold temperate evergreen coniferous forest, particularly is the elevation of the arrow bamboo growth over 2600, and the mountains dotted with rhododendrons, it is kind of skill.
    To Shennongjia travel more accommodation in Muyu town, where a higher concentration of hotels, for visitors to choose. There are local two-star hotel Villa Shen Nong, Tian Lu Resort, living environment and better conditions, the price can be considered mid-range (retail price of 280 yuan / room); other river Ping Hotel, Choi Garden Hotel, Jimbo hotels, transport levy hotels, Shen Nong resorts, prices are more moderate, at 200 yuan, off-season may agree to 120 yuan / room around.
Accommodation in the town, such as pine and cypress, choose Shennongjia hotels, conditions and working-class price is acceptable.
    Shennongjia - Wuhan (5:00) --- Shennongjia Shennongjia long-distance bus terminal in Wuchang (5:00) Shennongjia Hanban (Simen Kou)
    Shennongjia --- Yichang (6:00) --- Shennongjia Shennongjia Yichang Bus Terminal (6:00) Yichang Bus Terminal
    Shennongjia --- Shiyan (7:00) --- Shennongjia Shennongjia long-distance bus terminal in Shiyan (7:00) Long-distance bus terminal in Shiyan
    Shennongjia --- Xiangfan (5:30) --- Shennongjia Shennongjia long-distance bus terminal in Xiangfan (5:30) Xiangfan long-distance bus terminal
    Xingshan to the wooden fish, about an hour there is a round-trip passenger vehicles
    From when Yang, the old mouth, Baokang Housing County, Xingshan, Zigui and other surrounding counties to have in our region and from the passenger car
    The region between scenic spots, the road between the towns are to meet the tourist passenger train travel needs
    Shennongjia region is a common saying: "eat the potato fruit, baked lump fire, drinking soju with the bacon, in addition to god that is me." Which are referred to the local daily food. To Shennongjia, to taste the local bacon, potatoes and lazy tofu.
Another famous dish is wild Shennongjia, Shen Nong soil feast, Shen wild is a real treat.
    And the chestnut Shennongjia are cheap and delicious! Can try to buy back!


Once the culture in a unique way to blend into the natural, it will be able to enrich and enhance the natural beauty, and produce the finishing touch of wit to make it more vivid, more attractive. Lushan Mountain is such a culture through the ages.
Tens of millions of years ago, crustal movement, creating a Lushan in plain pine established between the Wuran pull-type peaks, creating a barrier stack of nine Lushan, Chong Leng climbed the illustrious momentum, the peak associated with deception is not poor, not rocks must of just the beauty of sun.
Great power of nature to its magic, creating a magical Lushan. Meanwhile, the modern wave deceitful changing political situation, but also to cast a layer of Lushan magical colors!
Time like water flows east, now Lushan has slowly opened a mysterious veil, to show the world its stunning style!
Viewed from afar, Lushan mountain flying like a large river Zhi; close look Shiqianfeng tightly linked together; horizontal view, iron wall copper wall stand the shore; side view, a column Atlas towering clouds. As a literary giant of Song Dynasty poem: "cross as many different angles, near and far different level, do not know the truth, just because in the mountain."
Lushan Mountain towering in the arena as between the rich rainfall, annual precipitation of up to 1950 and a 2000 mm, so the temperature difference between the mountains, clouds and more varied and constantly changing. To Lushan tourist they can not appreciate the beauty of Lushan cloud! You see, the morning mist that light from the Jiandi graceful, fluttering around the ground rose up around, filled with, like the fairy flying in the scarf, scarf floating their path, the scene will gradually dim up. The fog was getting thicker And of course a moment, just like Xuelang emptying, filling valleys You He, the heaven and earth into sky. Is close to the trees a few meters away, this time looked like a shy young girl, covered yarn unadorned handsome of face and slim figure, only occasionally pretty little stream of consciousness in the shadows emerged as to the worth of obsequiousness to tease your reveries. Suddenly, there is a thin fog slips, one moment will be dissipated away, exposing a red bars tile, brackets, cornices of the pavilion to, and around the pavilion, it is still a vast Wu Hai, pavilions will increasingly show heavenly mystery, just like a paradise on earth, but also like a mirage. A minute later, the clouds began to flow together, and gradually speed up, instant will demo a Cloud Flying trend. People can not help but think of opera "Azalea Mountain" Kexiang period of "chaos Yunfei" lyrics ...... only two minutes, the clouds will play tricks to open a new strange ---- Misty in the shape of the metamorphosis : Some, like blossoming bud Qionghua Show in full bloom, some may volley hanging round after round of waterfalls, some, such as erratic willowy wisps of smoke ... ...
At this time, people would really feel the charm of nature, the Creator of the magic.
Lushan is a famous Buddhist shrine. Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Ming, the Lushan Mountain is one of the centers of Buddhism in China, as many as three hundred temples were many mountains, including Mount Lushan called the "three famous temples," the Xilin Temple, East Temple, a large temple and the "five jungle," the sea will, Xiufeng, million fir, handle Yin, go home and so on, the most famous. Lushan is a famous mountain, the history of many emperors and scholars traveled to the Lushan. According to legend, came Jiujiang Yu Shu Wang Lushan, the emperor's southern tour when I had to board; Tao, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai, Fan Zhongyan, Su Shi, Lu, Wang and other ages have had great writer poetry lyrics, Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, Li, Xu and so has this tour. According to statistics, the existing famous ancient poems in praise of Lushan more than 4,000 first. Mountain famous ancient calligraphy, inscriptions also have high artistic value, tourism and cultural treasures of China.
"Cross as many different angles, near and far different level. Do not know the truth, just because in the mountain." Qixiu beautiful Lushan Mountain is endless, Lushan Mountain is also the untold history and culture, this may Another may well be to understand this poem, right?
Lushan Tickets:
    Since January 1, 2007, the Lushan Mountain Park ticket prices into the current 135 yuan / person to 160 yuan / person, while the implementation of short, post management festival season to determine the 2007 年 1 January to 31 March , December 1 to December 31 JCP 4 months for the low season, April 1 to November 30 8 months for the season. Lushan Mountain Park ticket into the 2007 off-season exercise price is 135 yuan / person; peak exercise price is 180 yuan / person.
    The price adjustment, in order to enable tourists to have a process of adaptation, the Board decided to implement the high season prices Lushan floating gradually put in place a three-year approach, that is, into the mountain in 2007 season ticket prices by 160 yuan park / people float 12.5%, the Executive price 180 yuan / person; 2008 season into the mountain park ticket price from 160 yuan / person less than 18.75% floating; 2009 season into the mountain park ticket price from 160 yuan / person go up to 25%.
    In addition, those who bought tickets to Lushan into the mountain park visitors, tourists can get a personal accident insurance, the insurance amount is 80,000 yuan, tourists, such as by accidental injury in Lushan, China Life Insurance Company directly to the Lushan Supporting the company claims.

    Lushan Mountain Scenic Area and has always been a summer resort for tourism, hotel industry is developed. Next to the city of Jiujiang Lushan hotels and guest houses with all kinds, ranging from luxury to low-grade, meet the level of consumption levels. In the Lushan scenic Lushan hotels are hotels, guesthouses and other West Lake Lushan, but where the fees are high season.
If you want to live in cheaper, you can find guest house run by the school to live, the price is usually between 35 yuan to 100 yuan.
Recommended Accommodation:
Lushan Lushan Hotel is located in the East Village Villa fat Red Road 179 Valley, hundred meters away from the Brighter Summer Day. European style rooms where the main villa. Higher prices, the standard 480 yuan / room.
Lushan Hotel is located Kuling Road 104, east of the river, affordable, standard room 100 yuan / room; Triple Room 120 yuan / room.
Lushan Lushan Hotel is located in Centre Street, No. 1044, standard room 180 yuan / room.
Lushan Conference Lushan Building and the adjacent premises, the cheapest standard room is 180 yuan / room.
    To travel generally via Jiujiang Lushan. Jiujiang Lushan Ferry Terminal next to go to the CMB, Kom Tong Hall near Lake Shuiting smoke there, "Lushan day" China and Pakistan. And Jiujiang is located in the golden waterways - the Yangtze River, Beijing-Kowloon Railway and the Yangtze River is the only intersection of the city, water and land transportation is very convenient.
Has been in operation since the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, the railway passenger Jiujiang much convenient than ever, direct access to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Jinan, Qingdao, Xiamen, Xian, Dongguan, Chongqing, Lianyungang, Tongling, Hefei, Wuhan, and Go in Hubei, Anhui, Fujian provinces.
Jiujiang port long-freedom system in China only five main hub ports, the East from Shanghai, west to Chongqing, 14 classes a day ferry dock Jiujiang port, the annual passenger capacity of 2.5 million passengers through the passenger capacity of 5700 gathered people. More classes a day ferry dock Jiujiang Yangtze River port. Liner between Jiujiang and Hankow, Hankow out 19:00, arriving at 7:00 the next morning, Jiujiang; 18:00 sent from Jiujiang, 8:00 am the next day arrived, Hankou, and Yellowstone stopover Wuxue . In addition there are two classes a day boat from Wuhan and Jiujiang in between, from 4 hours to Wuhan, Jiujiang, Wuhan and Jiujiang 3 hours and 45 minutes. Because of the Yangtze large passenger liner affected by the weather, the specific frequency can play shipping Information Tel :0792 -8222087.
8:25 every morning to the coach station in Nanchang a group of Pakistani visitors up the mountain faster, increase the frequency of the tourist season, the mountain fare of 36 yuan. Up by the 105 National Road, Jiujiang County, Komsomolsk, Yongxiu County, the scenic spots and Xingzi County's "Peach Blossom Spring" area. Other area attractions can be reached by the provincial highway.
Miles to the attractions of Jiujiang
White Deer Hollow Academy 48 km
Sandiequan 31 km
  Lushan Mountain 36 km
Temple 18 km east
    To Lushan, the "three stone a tea," the name will be heard, they are means Lushan partridge, stone fish, Lushan Mountain, Lushan Lushan Umbilicaria and fragrant, these are valuable things on Lushan, must try it.
"Lushan three stone" can be regarded as a rare taste of the world, in Lushan to eat these things is not cheap. Golden Boat Restaurant is the largest restaurant Lushan Mountain, Lushan Mountain, where you can eat a variety of delicious.
The Lushan mist tea, that is one of the best tea in China to do was find a free time Lushan, sitting on a pot of mountain products.
Lushan three stone They were referring to Lushan partridge, stone fish, Lushan Mountain, Lushan Umbilicaria.

Shandong Taishan

Magnificent Taishan Mountain, the symbol of the Chinese nation, from Sima Qian's famous quote: "Man inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." To "there did not know", "do not bend over pressurizing" ... ... , are constantly deepen our longing for Tarzan. Climbed the mountain, like climbing the Great Wall, the dream of many Chinese people.
Taishan in Shandong Xiongzhi Central, also called "Daishan", "Zong" Spring and Autumn Period was renamed the "Tarzan." Hometown of Confucius in Qufu, Taishan former neighbor, according to the back Jinan Springs, an area of 426 square kilometers, 1547 meters above sea level peak Yuhuangding, imposing, where they stand, the "world mountain" reputation. 1987 UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.
Mount Taishan is the most interesting places are only received the emperor in Chinese history Fengshan the mountains. Taishan is also Buddha, Taoist prosperous place, is the ancient emperors to worship the mountain. Emperors went, temple statues, stone inscriptions, leaving a large number of cultural relics. Master of the Mountain Masters history has admirers in every possible way, have this tour. Tarzan Chronicles tribute poems, and songs as much as a thousand first.
Into the Mount, that is, to history. Jide from the southwest of the city's social and Thailand the first mountain, where Artemisia Yuhuangding Hill to report days, numerous historical sites, Cliff stele throughout the mountains. Dai Temple, the Han Dynasty Jade plant under the shadow shady cypress; before the Red Gate Palace, Confucius, "Goldenthal Mountain small world" feeling, lingering fog; back to the horse mountain, while the back of the cowardly Emperor Lema, especially in an air current; Cloud banks catwalk, the five Chi Feng Qin Shi Huang Fu Song, thin bone Angcang; eighteen Road, Li Bai, Du Fu, literati, "laughed Redcliffe Yung shoot for", meaning not entirely Mexican, ho still ringing in the wind; Bixia Temple Lane, EXCELLENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL grand ceremony was the beginning of Fengshan. There is also Dai Temple, Puzhao Si, the Queen Mother pool, the stone valley, Bixia Temple, the Japanese concept of peak Nantianmen, Yuhuangding other major attractions.
Mount Taishan natural scenery is the introduction of the Department, the peak of Mount Tai Junba, majestic scene, both "natural mountain park" is "a microcosm of Oriental history and culture." Mountain Valley deep, pine hills turn, a famous scenic spots are Tianzhu Peak, the Japanese concept of peak Baizhang Ya, fairy bridge, five Fu Song, hope people loose, Longtan Waterfall, Cloud Bridge, waterfalls, Santan waterfalls and so on.
Tour to see the four wonders of Mount: Taishan sunrise, sea of clouds jade plate, sunset sunset, Yellow gold band.
Taian (Taishan) Overview
Code: 0538
Zip Code: 271000
Location: Located in central Shandong Province, Taishan Mountain, Jinan, capital of the north, the south, "Al-Quds" Qufu, east of "Let's have" Zibo, the West coast of the Yellow River.
Zoning: jurisdiction Taishan, Daiyue two areas, Xintai, Feicheng two county-level cities and Ningyang, Dongping two counties.
Tarzan Tickets: Taishan Red Gate Tickets: 125 season, 100 low season (from December 1, 2007 to January 31 next year, the implementation of the off-season fares Taishan area 100, before 80 million)
Low season: the elderly (aged 60 -70 years old), students, children (height 1.2 m -1.4 m) from 60 yuan per person fell to 50 yuan per person. Teachers, provincial level or above model workers, the heroes fell from the 100 yuan per person per 80.
          Dai Temple Admission: 20 yuan.
          Bixia Temple: 5 yuan tickets
Red Gate - Yuhuangding hiking time: approximately 4-5 hours, take the Mount midline. Tourist Attractions: Dai Temple, Mount Tai Temple: 5 yuan tickets, Yuhuangding.
Tarzan Transportation: 3-way ride from the train station to connect directly to the foot of Mount Tai, the fares 1 yuan, (for change) Train Station - Dai Temple (4 points), Dai Temple - Red Door (5 points).
          Taian transportation connections. Highway mileage 4287 km, the density of 55 km / hundred square kilometers, ranking the domestic advanced level. Highway traffic mileage of 206 kilometers of which are listed first in Shandong Province. Beijing-Shanghai (Beijing to Shanghai) Expressway, Beijing-Fuzhou (Beijing-Fuzhou) run through the highway and intersection in Tai'an; Tai'an to Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai, Rizhao and other coastal cities connected by the highway network; within the rail in Beijing Shanghai (Beijing to Shanghai) line through, and the west, "the Beijing-Kowloon" artery; future high-speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai set Taishan station. Taishan Bus Station every day to send 47 pairs, direct access to China's major cities and ports, more than 500 million tons of cargo throughput; south wall of the Jinan International Airport, 80 km away (50 minutes), 500 km north to Beijing (by car 4.5 hours), 760 km south of Shanghai (6.5 hours by car). Tyan has a number of foreign cargo transportation companies, LTL and container transport, refrigerated transport, and transport of live poultry can provide convenient and efficient service.
Tai tourist routes: Taishan Road (full 7.8 km) Mount Road (full 10.5 km)
A Puzhao Si Dai Temple 1.8 km 0.5 km Dai Temple a Daizong Fang Zhongtian Gate 1.2 km of a five Fusong
Puzhao Si Dai Zongfang a public bridge 0.8 km 1.2 km of a red door a pair of five Fusong Songjeong 0.7 km
The mass of a Black Dragon Bridge 0.6 km 1.3 km Red Gate a Doumu Gong Nantianmen on a 0.8 km Songjeong
Longevity Bridge, Black Dragon Pool A pot of Tin House Doumu Gong 1.3 km 1.8 km 0.8 km Nantianmen a Yuhuangding
Longevity Bridge, 3.3 km of a Cliff fan for a pot of Tin House Yuhuangding Zhongtian Gate 0.7 km 1.5 km of a dock after the stone
Since the drive to the Shandong Province, Jinan, Tai'an City and then from Jinan, to the Taian, you can import directly to the Mount. Taian is a tourist city, convenient transportation.
Recommended trip:

Day 1
Daizong Fang - Red Gate (one day the door) - Doumu Gong - The stone valley - pot Tin House - Zhongtian Gate - eighteen - Shengxian Square - Five Fu Song - hope people loose - Nantianmen - Grand Peak - Day Street - Sea Stone - clouds jade plate - Japanese concept of peak morning from Dai Zongfang watch the tour along Doumu Gong by Red Gate, the stone valley, Hu Tian Pavilion, Zhongtian Gate until the afternoon, board one thousand stone steps eighteen watch Shengxian Square, the five Fu Song, hope people loose, such as landscape, and then to watch the Grand Nantianmen peak days Street, Sea Stone, Japanese concept of peak and other landscapes.
Day 2
Yuhuangding - Black Dragon - Fan Cliff - Puzhao Si - Feng Tomb - Taishan Dai Temple in the early morning watching the sunrise Yuhuang, then down along the West visit Black Dragon Pool, Fan Cliff, Puzhao Si and the Tomb of Feng Yuxiang, and then after coming out to Dai Temple.
Peach, Taishan Chestnut, Ningyang dates, saying "Tarzan three specialty"; incense lion, cool jade, yellow glazed gourd, saying "Mount Sambo." In addition, participants Mount Taishan walnut, bulk Mount Hawthorn, Mount ruby apricot, pear Mount Beauty (commonly known as Little Pear), Sancha Red Star Apple, carrageenan, and "eight treasures of China," one of the red fish scales, are also famous.
Cold mountain, take some extra clothes, raincoats, umbrellas, clear mountain, but mountains may be rain!
Chinese cabbage, bean curd and water, saying "Tarzan three beauty", we can see Mount Tai and vegetable tofu dinner banquet a long history. Emperors to Taishan, are "vegetarian food, clean body cultivation" to show piety. Tofu feast there is only one more than 150 dishes. Tai is also a minor celebrity style, notably Tai pancakes, fried red fish scales clever, Baimi food, sauce packet melon, tomato sauce, ground, Taishan teeth dates, baked sweet potatoes, etc., can not taste.
Accommodation Description:
Mount on top of a wide range of accommodation, three star "hotel open God" standard retail price of between 500 yuan (off-season can be Kandao 300), but also often full, but also according to bed count, 100 yuan per person, the most better able to make a phone call in the mountains before the book, phone :0538 -7937004. In addition, there is a street Daiding days Xianju a star hotel. Mountains of private small hotel beds stacked a minimum of 10 yuan fairly clean, the mountains are often without water, take a bath is not enough, some hotels with "water" to attract business, credibility is questionable. Up the mountain at night may be no place to live, and to hire a military coat, 5-15 yuan / piece in the morning to watch the sunrise, we could also keep out the cold. Foot of Mount Tai, Tai'an City, no matter the price, or hotel facilities, should be even better than the mountains. The main stars are: Dongyue Avenue "Taishan Overseas Chinese Hotel (four stars)," Red opportunities Daizong Fang "Taishan Hotel (three stars)," Zong Avenue 210, "Taishan Hotel (three stars) "Tiger of Shandong northbound first of the" Jade Pool Hotel (two star) "and so on.


Pingyao Ancient City

Pingyao Ancient City, China is now the best preserved one of the four ancient city. Pingyao County, Shanxi Province, formerly known as this "ancient pottery. " The early Ming Dynasty, as a defensive interference alien South, was built walls, Hongwu years (AD 1370) in the old wall built on the basis of re-expanding and maintenance, and comprehensive package brick. After Jing, Masanori, Longqing and Wanli been ten generations in the Buxiu and repair, update the tower, an additional enemy units. Kangxi forty-three years (AD 1703) by passing the emperor West Tour Pingyao, and built four large towers, the city is more spectacular. The total circumference of 6163 m Pingyao city wall, the wall height of about 12 meters, the area of about 2.25 square kilometers of Pingyao County divides the world into two different styles. Streets within the walls, pavement, the city building to retain the Ming and Qing shape; wall, said outside the Metro. This is an ancient and modern architecture all into one, each other, it is best to endless reveries. Postcard reproduction of the main figure in this style.

Aerial view of the ancient city of Pingyao, more absolutely amazing road. The square planar walls, shaped like a turtle-like, six gates, one each in North and South, East and West of the two. South Gate city as the glans, well outside the two eyes a symbol of the turtle. North gate to Gumi is the lowest the city, the city should be all the water out after this. What city four Urn, both relative, on the west gate, the next Simon, both on the East Gate of the Barbican gate to the Nankai, the shape of turtle claw protrusion, only under the East Gate Urn straight east to open the outer gate, when the city is said to be made I am afraid the turtle crawl away to his left leg straightened, twenty miles from the city tied to the foot of the stage. This seemingly false legend, the ancient tortoise shone extremely adulation. Longevity is the turtle thing, in the eyes of the ancients as the divine nature as holy. It shows hope, by coagulation turtle power of God, so that the ancient city of Pingyao, rock-solid, impregnable Permanent, safe and sound, the profound meaning of live forever.
Pingyao is preserved within the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties county prototype. December 3, 1997, UNESCO held in Naples, Italy 21 World Heritage Committee decided to Congress to the ancient city wall of Pingyao ancient city, government office, markets, houses, temples as a whole, the "World Heritage List", which is Study of Chinese politics, economy, culture, art and religious development of the physical specimens. Pingyao Ancient City is based on the thought of Han culture and architectural style built. Now the city walls and buildings are maintained 14-18 century historical character.
China State Post Bureau to commemorate this important event in cultural history, in August 18, 2000 issued to the nation, entitled "World Cultural Heritage - Pingyao Ancient City"special stamped postcards, a set of 10, 60 points are the nominal value Circulation of 50 million sets. Patterns are: the ancient city walls, the town of Temple, Dacheng Temple Hall, Temple, Shanxi, municipal buildings, Qing Xu view Rishengchang ticket number, Ming and Qing Dynasty houses, Pingyao, the fire agency, overlooking the ancient city. This is our first attempt to release the main map and chart a different special postage stamped postcards; while respecting the wishes of the majority of stamp collectors, only the issue of domestic capital cases of 60 points a postcard. Each postcard to the size of two images, eye-opening as Han and Ming dynasties reflect the outstanding example of urban architecture and features; 10 postcards together, exhibit a Han Chinese cultural, social, economic and religious development of the full picture.

1, transportation: Pingyao ancient city about 40 kilometers away from the Qiao Family Courtyard, Pingyao from Joe to have a special soliciting Courtyard small side, about 50 or so per vehicle.
 2 Accommodation: accommodation in city is very convenient, many residential hotels. Prices vary, but the peak season prices will be very high. Corey Yuen days of the famous line, clouds in the Ming and Qing Jin into the street.
 3, tickets: Pass the implementation of Pingyao ancient city of 120, two students can buy a joint, but not half fare, effective two days, spots not sell tickets. Can not not buy votes on the walls, Rishengchang county government, other private museums, such as bodyguard to bargain. Recommended buy votes.
 4, the specialty has Pingyao beef, Aili brand as the most, you can buy near North First Escort, of course, students can also buy some wine to long (people here will tell you then Jing Yidan host a show here)
     Pingyao County restaurant features pasta is still based, and, like most places in Shanxi, one night early in the morning often millet gruel, bread, biscuits based; noon is colored pasta in a street can enjoy the Ming and Qing Ping Away from the local delicacies.

Tower Lake Scenic Area in Tianjin

Tianjin TV Tower, located in the Hexi District, Tianjin, Nie Public Bridge, Purple Mountain Road and Jin slip road junction, whichever is the sum of the word, so the "Sky Tower." Tower height of 415.2 meters, ranking the highest in Asia today, rank among the world's forest of towers. It was built in 1991, stands in the blue water and sky, and is the world's only a "water tower" and its potential, such as Sword Heavenly Sword, enjoy the "days of the tower rotating cloud" reputation.
Sky Tower set tourism, catering, entertainment, radio, television and many other functions in one, it can also broadcast the sets of color TV programs 7 and 9 sets of FM stereo broadcasts. Open to visitors with pillar base of the hall, Liao Wang Hall, rotating space tourist offices and 270 meters outdoor platform in the Chamber can help Liao hope the telescope will be the radius of the corner hundred miles a panoramic view. The third layer is the revolving restaurant, can accommodate 200 people, every 45 minutes, it rotates the restaurant, people can turn with the Hall, King head will immediately shift the feeling fantastic.
Sky Tower Sky Tower next to the lake features a world-class leader in lighting technology, large-scale musical fountain set of springs, water curtain movie, south along the lake has the longest artificial plastic mountain lake resort a day, a bright spot in the tower. During the day, flowers and vegetation into the lake and the corresponding interest Taying; night, the shimmering night space, Ying Zhenghui tower and moon and stars, hard to heaven on earth.
    If visitors from the Tianjin Railway Station and get off, you can take the bus directly to the 8,901,35,951;
    If it is from the West Station and get off the train station or long-distance bus terminal, you can take the 11 bus to get there;
    If your long-distance bus terminus is the day the Central Station, it can take the 662 bus and get off at the Pali Taiwan, to walk a road;
    If your long-distance bus terminus is Balitai, then out of the car to see it!
    There are buses to get there is 872,871,643,832,161,685,857, tourism and other 2-way, my column is not very full, please add!
    Tips: Most of Tianjin bus fare is 1.5 yuan, 1 yuan also are self-change, will not give change, so in order to take the bus to see if Tianjin change must be ready Oh!
    270 m tower in the sky at a revolving restaurant providing catering services for tourists.

Beijing Summer Palace

Summer Palace, located in the quiet landscape, scenic northwestern suburbs of Beijing, formerly known as the Qing Yi Park, was founded in 1750, a time when China's last feudal Prime ------" Kangxi and Qianlong "period; the second in 1860 second Opium War, the Qing Yi Park is the British and French troops burned down; 1886, the Qing government misappropriation of funds and other naval military rebuilt and renamed two years later, the Summer Palace, the Empress Dowager Cixi in his later years as a home for the land. Since then, the Summer Palace in the Forbidden City to become the supreme ruler of the late Qing outside of the most important political and diplomatic activity center, is an important witness to China's recent history with many important historical events took place. In 1898, Emperor Guangxu met in the Summer Palace Ren Shoudian Reformers Kang, asking political reform issues; political reform failed, dynasty was a long confinement in the gardens, Yu Lan Tang; 1900, the Boxer Rebellion invaded Beijing, the Summer Palace suffered another ransacked, 1902 Qing government and to rebuild; the Qing Dynasty, the Summer Palace became the supreme ruler of the principal place of residence, the Empress and the dynasty to sit towards the hearings here, issued the decree was given, met with foreign guests ... ....
    In 1924, the Summer Palace turned into open park. The Summer Palace is an important witness to modern history!
    Summer Palace set the culmination of traditional garden art, landscape surrounding environment by the King, full of restored imperial garden in China Hong Fuli momentum, but also full of natural interest, a high degree of the concept of "made by man, although, Naturalism," the gardening guidelines. Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake constitute the basic framework, covering 2.97 square kilometers, about three-quarters of the water, the garden landscape a little over a hundred building blocks, the size of more than 20 yards, more than 3,000 between the ancient buildings, an area of 70,000 square meters, more than 1,600 strains of old trees. One of Buddhist Incense, promenade, stone boat, Suzhou Street, Seventeen Arch Bridge, Garden of Harmonious Interests, big stage and so on are well-known representation of buildings.
    Park in the main attractions can be divided into three regions: the solemn majesty of the Renshou Dian District, represented by the political activity is engaged in the Qing dynasty, the late Empress and internal affairs, diplomatic and political activities of the main venues. To Le Shoutang, Yu Lan Tang, Yi Yun House and other areas of life represented by the courtyard, is the Empress, Guangxu and Empress lived. The promenade along the mountain, composed of the majority of the Western region, is pregnant for the Empress were scattered Chi Cheng, Yuan Garden resort entertainment. Longevity Hill south of the central axis, the magnificent Tower of Buddhist Incense, Pai Yundian building rushed to the shores of Lake Yunhui from Yuyu arches, the row of Cloud Gate, the second palace, Pai Yundian, Gradoville Temple, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the final to Shandian the wisdom of the sea, heavy Gallery Hall complex, layered up, through the Qing Suo, magnificent. Tower of Buddhist Incense towering towering three directions, squat mountain facing the lake, to guide the whole Park. Sai winding like a green ribbon, rayon with a north and south, Hengjue days of the Han, embankments six bridges, snakes, morphology differ. Vastness of the Kunming Lake, the grand Seventeen Arch Bridge reflected on the water, such as Changhong Yan Yue, Han virtual Hall, algae Kam Tong, governance mirror Court three islands separate categories, a symbol of myths and legends of the "sea mountains." See the picture to see soft mulberry blowing Farming and Weaving, Bin Feng picturesque, Emperor Qianlong had read to see farming organizations in this live art, great rivers and lakes Murano fun. Similarities with the former Lake in Suzhou Street, a water, wine proclaimed the Wind, Diansi bustling, as if exposure to two hundred years ago, the Royal Trading Street, Garden of Harmonious Interests complex is Qushui gallery, its full harmonic interest. Lake shore in the Kunming Lake, the famous stone boat, vivid copper cattle and enjoy the spring and other point of view of the known Chunting King building.
    Over the years, the Summer Palace management impose "cultural construction of park" for the purpose of "a spiritual sense of five of six first-class" corporate culture to guide workers digging culture, and vigorously promote the Summer Palace in the protection, management and research to by King environment, the Yamagata river, ancient cultural relics, vegetation landscape as the core protection of the contents of the Summer Palace, the establishment of a complete system of protection and management of the Summer Palace. Especially since the reform and opening up, the Summer Palace to accelerate the pace of construction and protection, has invested heavily in the restoration of the four Department of continents, Suzhou Street, King Ming House, Dan Ning Tang, scenic spots such as the Farming and Weaving, and actively involved in transformation of the surrounding environment, continuation of the Summer Palace the history of human environment, restore the integrity and authenticity of cultural heritage, the construction of the most advanced system of domestic gardens and Wenchang hospital museum.
    March 4, 1961, the Summer Palace was announced the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. December 2, 1998, the Summer Palace with its rich history and culture, beautiful natural environment, landscape, excellent protection and management was listed by UNESCO "World Heritage List", hailed as one of the world's great civilizations of several powerful symbol. In recent years, the Summer Palace has been awarded the first national demonstration civilized tourist areas, the national advanced unit of spiritual civilization, the first national AAAA level scenic spots and many other honorary title, in 2000 passed the ISO9000 and ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Certification Quality so that the Summer Palace, management, protection, research onto the norm, scientific, legal administration track.

Beijing Forbidden City

Palace: formerly known as the Forbidden City. In central Beijing. Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace, the largest and most complete of the existing ancient buildings were 4 years of Yongle (1406) was built, was basically completed 18 years of Yongle. 24 so far after 560 years of the emperor.

In spite of the Ming and Qing dynasties rebuilt several times and still maintain the original layout of the extension. Covering over 720,000 square meters, building a construction area of 15 more than 9000 square meters. About three kilometers around the palace wall, surrounded by magnificent style turret stands, outside the wall, the moat 52 meters wide and surrounded by a fortified castle barriers. The layout of the Forbidden City palace from the outside toward the building, the inner court of the points. Ethernet and the outer court, and in Bulgaria and the three main hall as the center, culture, Wu ounce Hall for the two wings, the emperor summoned the ministers at the ceremony and to exercise the right to the main site. Netting a Palace of Heavenly Purity, Jiao Tai Dian, Liu Gong Kunning and what is the deal with the daily government and wives emperor, princes lived, a place to play and from God. Narrow north-south southeast of the vestibular, a Tiananmen Square and the Swiss gate in front of the palace gates to form a prelude to a long series of buildings. The main entrance of the Meridian Gate, North Gate to Shenwu Men, Donghuamen east, west, West door. Meridian Gate Square after a curved square Jinshui across the river on a stone bridge across five hole white marble, is a nine northbound Dianding veranda eaves the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the sides and Liezhao De, Chen-degree two. Square things have access to Wenhua Dian and Wu Yingdian the Concorde, Yi and two doors. North Korea outside the three main hall is the main building, into the Gate of Supreme Harmony is the face of 11 double eaves and veranda Dianding Miankuo Hall of Supreme Harmony, the middle of the square and the temple Danyan Cuanjian Ding, finally, the nine Zhong Yan Xie Shanding Hall of Preserving Harmony, Hall was built in a three-section three-tier white marble on the platform, surrounded by Gallery veranda surrounded by magnificent, the Forbidden City the most magnificent buildings. Dry clean start from the door inner court, in the central axis of the building are dry Qing, Jiao Tai Dian, Kunning and around twelve yards. Palace of Heavenly Purity things have six groups of self-contained courtyard, the East and West Palaces Palaces Palaces to the south east Fengxian Temple, Itsuki and West Liu front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. East of the axis of the inner court there Ningshou Gong a building, commonly known outside the East, the West has Cining Gong, Shoukang Palace, the Anglo Hall and so on. Inner court, garden and another three, the Imperial Garden in the Forbidden City at the Ningshou Gong axis Shawei Ningshou Gong Hall of Mental Cultivation in the West Garden, Garden in the Cining Gong Ci Ninggong before. The building and outside the inner court toward the very different atmosphere.
Forbidden City Great Wall of magnificent luxury, is the essence of ancient architecture in China. National Palace Museum also holds a large number of precious cultural relics is to study the Ming and Qing dynasties, and ancient art history, important information.

Beijing Badaling Great Wall

Badaling is located 60 kilometers northwest of Beijing, longitude 116 ° 65 ', latitude 40 ° 25', is the mountainous peaks of the military are a mountain pass. Ming Dynasty, "Chang Hakka," said "The road from this point, extending in all directions, hence the name Badaling, the highest mountain is closed."
Badaling the name first appeared in the Jin Dynasty poet Ying Liu's poem "late Badaling, the Titan is on" and "out of Badaling." Yuan, where the "North Gate", is south of relative. South of the northern suburb of Changping County, Beijing, from the South Side to the North exit in the middle is a 40-mile long canyon crossing in the famous Great Wall, "Pass", this valley may therefore be called "off ditch." Badaling top the highest point of north end of ditch clearance. Here, the two peaks Jia Zhi, one in the open, condescending, and the situation is extremely advantageous. Under the view from the Badaling Pass, such as Jianling, such as the glimpse of wells. "The ancients have Guyan the risk, not off the city, and in Badaling," said. Badaling Pass topography, as history strongly contested, has always been in the heavily guarded. Badaling a military strategic importance, dating back to the Spring and Autumn. According to "Historical Records" record and cultural workers in recent years, the census, have proved that the area Badaling Great Wall built in the Warring States period, and now still see Canqiang, pier remains, and its direction, broadly in line with the next Great Wall of Han Xi record: once set Jun Du, Ju Yong Guan two cities. Northern Wei "Waterways", said: "Pass the Guyan sector, it is also related names, the South is Juegu, base stone is off site, Chong Yong Jun wall, non-dodge can be held ... ... the water calendar Shannan, the difference Army all sectors ... ..., "Therefore, some experts believe that the Han Pass home, off site at Badaling. "Guyan," the name come from? Is the Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall, a group of poor farmers from the south and the Prisoner of movement, to the military are a small mountain basin Gui Chuan settled abode called Yong Act. Han Dynasty, the Gui River County home Guyan (imitation Yanqing). "Waterways" are recorded off site topography and landscape flow potential, and the same geographical environment Badaling.
Fifteen hundred years ago, the Northern Wei Dynasty, who built the Great Wall at Badaling area. According to the "Motherland Weishu Shi Ji" recorded in the Northern Wei Tuoba Pacific Zhenjun seven years (446 years), in the capital Ping Cheng (now Harmony) north of the construction of the Great Wall, called "ki Wai on the plug" on the east valley of the military are Hill (the Badaling area), west of the Yellow River shore. Mary Rose came to the Northern Qi dynasty six years (555 years), and built the Great Wall, west of Datong, the troops are in Shandong, to bring the Great Wall was extended to the sea.
Re-built in the Ming Dynasty Great Wall.
Walls of the first Ming emperor know that's important in the military, when the emperor, the "high construction of the wall", the fortified preparations, when the state of its prefectures, have also built fortresses Hing. General Xu Da emperor sent a large, Feng Sheng, etc. marched off system built in the north Cyprus, the construction of the Great Wall, to intensify training Mita, to prevent remnants of dollars southward invasion.
In 1403, the Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle Emperor Zhu Di ascended the throne in the third. In 1420, he moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing. Zhu Di commitment to the unification of China, Yu Jia has five foreign crusades, armies to Mongolia Plateau, the farthest reaches of the Soviet Union now near the Onon River. (After 1488), before starting the vast and comprehensive built the Great Wall project. After 270 years, long years, a total of 18 large-scale construction project was finally completed a high wall, the east side of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, west of the West ends of the Bulong Ji, this is what we usually say now to see the Great Wall. Total length of more than 14,600 li Great Wall, in northern China after the seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In terms of engineering technology and the tight level of fortification, the Great Wall were previously unmatched. In this sense, it can be said: the Great Wall we see today was built in the Warring States, Qin Shi Huang link in time, improve the Ming dynasty.
Ming Dynasty Great Wall, and then not a single high wall, but built into the "layers of armed" defense in depth in key areas, but also has constructed a multi-channel walls, pass. Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and other places, have built the Great Wall of tracks, setting the Great Wall in Shanxi have four double-track this and more. In an important transport military site, built more than a dozen short off the city wall and multi-channel, such as the ten Yanmenguan valley, there are 28 stone walls, described as "patch of land located impaired, at every step."
Badaling is the history of the witness of many important events. Tateishi first emperor Qin Shi Huang, after the east, from the Badaling via Datong, and then riding to the Xianyang, the Queen Mother Xunxing Xiao, Yuan Taizu entry, the Yuan emperor twice a year, both from Beijing and between the Ming emperors Northern Expedition Qing Dynasty emperor foreign crusades ... ... Badaling is the necessary land. To the ancient nobility, writers and poets recited poetry Badaling is endless, the first verse is left high fitness Tang Dynasty poet, the poem he wrote, "even under the absolute slope water, the mountains were high clouds . " As for those national disputes, armored cavalry years, Badaling is staged on the history of grand opera scenes. Now, the suffering of old China, the two thousand years of feudal history of hegemony, the changing of dynasties of the past, have become a distant past. Great Wall of thousands of years, five years of culture, the times given the Badaling Great Wall with a new mission. It is valuable as a historical monument, standing in the top of mountains, sparkling brilliance of Chinese civilization and wisdom, but also emerged in the Chinese nation, is unyielding, indomitable spirit of the great quality. It becomes a people of all nationalities, overseas compatriots and international friends, the bonds of friendship. It is the human heritage.
After the founding of new China in 1952, served as Vice Premier and the Director of Culture and Education Committee with Comrade Guo proposed repair Badaling Great Wall, receive domestic and international visitors.
Since the Qing Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall has become increasingly obsolete. Off the city west of the "North gate lock and key," the city of Taiwan, more than half of mutilation; the east, "Guyan outside the town" the city crumbling pier; Great Wall of the wall, Yu wall, Embrasure, wall units, fortresses, etc. is ruins . The State Council's decision to fix the departments concerned take immediate action, and later had conducted a number of repair.
In 1961, the State Council and the Badaling pass city wall as a national key cultural relics protection units. In 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, "I love China, I repair the Great Wall," the initiative, more update looks old with big has fixes watch tower 19, the wall length of 3741 meters, so visit the 1.9 million square meters total area. In 1986, sixteen New Beijing Badaling was named one of the King. In 1987, the United Nations to accept the Great Wall as a "World Cultural Heritage." August 1991, the Badaling Great Wall as the essence of the Palace Museum in Beijing, received the UNESCO certificate issued by the cultural heritage of mankind. December 1991, held in Zhuhai, China announced the selection activities resort named four Top Ten Conference (94 sites nationwide candidate, 480,000 valid votes), Badaling famous for its attractions to the absolute 370 000 more votes, becoming the first Chinese tourist destination four Top Ten.
Famous Badaling Great Wall, known around the world. It is the Great Wall open to tourists in the first lot. "Great Wall is not a true man." So far. Badaling has received one hundred and thirty million Chinese and foreign visitors, there have been Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Elizabeth, Heath and other 372 foreign heads of state and many of the world's man of the hour, boarded the Badaling Tourism tour. This situation, in the beautiful scenic spots in the world, it is rare. Badaling Great Wall to the visitors, leaving a deep impression and endless aftertaste.
Badaling Great Wall, as the essence of the Great Wall, is to the majesty of old and young, meet attracted to, an avalanche of world tourists. Gordon the Great Wall of people, everyone surprise.