
Beijing Badaling Great Wall

Badaling is located 60 kilometers northwest of Beijing, longitude 116 ° 65 ', latitude 40 ° 25', is the mountainous peaks of the military are a mountain pass. Ming Dynasty, "Chang Hakka," said "The road from this point, extending in all directions, hence the name Badaling, the highest mountain is closed."
Badaling the name first appeared in the Jin Dynasty poet Ying Liu's poem "late Badaling, the Titan is on" and "out of Badaling." Yuan, where the "North Gate", is south of relative. South of the northern suburb of Changping County, Beijing, from the South Side to the North exit in the middle is a 40-mile long canyon crossing in the famous Great Wall, "Pass", this valley may therefore be called "off ditch." Badaling top the highest point of north end of ditch clearance. Here, the two peaks Jia Zhi, one in the open, condescending, and the situation is extremely advantageous. Under the view from the Badaling Pass, such as Jianling, such as the glimpse of wells. "The ancients have Guyan the risk, not off the city, and in Badaling," said. Badaling Pass topography, as history strongly contested, has always been in the heavily guarded. Badaling a military strategic importance, dating back to the Spring and Autumn. According to "Historical Records" record and cultural workers in recent years, the census, have proved that the area Badaling Great Wall built in the Warring States period, and now still see Canqiang, pier remains, and its direction, broadly in line with the next Great Wall of Han Xi record: once set Jun Du, Ju Yong Guan two cities. Northern Wei "Waterways", said: "Pass the Guyan sector, it is also related names, the South is Juegu, base stone is off site, Chong Yong Jun wall, non-dodge can be held ... ... the water calendar Shannan, the difference Army all sectors ... ..., "Therefore, some experts believe that the Han Pass home, off site at Badaling. "Guyan," the name come from? Is the Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall, a group of poor farmers from the south and the Prisoner of movement, to the military are a small mountain basin Gui Chuan settled abode called Yong Act. Han Dynasty, the Gui River County home Guyan (imitation Yanqing). "Waterways" are recorded off site topography and landscape flow potential, and the same geographical environment Badaling.
Fifteen hundred years ago, the Northern Wei Dynasty, who built the Great Wall at Badaling area. According to the "Motherland Weishu Shi Ji" recorded in the Northern Wei Tuoba Pacific Zhenjun seven years (446 years), in the capital Ping Cheng (now Harmony) north of the construction of the Great Wall, called "ki Wai on the plug" on the east valley of the military are Hill (the Badaling area), west of the Yellow River shore. Mary Rose came to the Northern Qi dynasty six years (555 years), and built the Great Wall, west of Datong, the troops are in Shandong, to bring the Great Wall was extended to the sea.
Re-built in the Ming Dynasty Great Wall.
Walls of the first Ming emperor know that's important in the military, when the emperor, the "high construction of the wall", the fortified preparations, when the state of its prefectures, have also built fortresses Hing. General Xu Da emperor sent a large, Feng Sheng, etc. marched off system built in the north Cyprus, the construction of the Great Wall, to intensify training Mita, to prevent remnants of dollars southward invasion.
In 1403, the Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle Emperor Zhu Di ascended the throne in the third. In 1420, he moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing. Zhu Di commitment to the unification of China, Yu Jia has five foreign crusades, armies to Mongolia Plateau, the farthest reaches of the Soviet Union now near the Onon River. (After 1488), before starting the vast and comprehensive built the Great Wall project. After 270 years, long years, a total of 18 large-scale construction project was finally completed a high wall, the east side of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, west of the West ends of the Bulong Ji, this is what we usually say now to see the Great Wall. Total length of more than 14,600 li Great Wall, in northern China after the seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In terms of engineering technology and the tight level of fortification, the Great Wall were previously unmatched. In this sense, it can be said: the Great Wall we see today was built in the Warring States, Qin Shi Huang link in time, improve the Ming dynasty.
Ming Dynasty Great Wall, and then not a single high wall, but built into the "layers of armed" defense in depth in key areas, but also has constructed a multi-channel walls, pass. Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and other places, have built the Great Wall of tracks, setting the Great Wall in Shanxi have four double-track this and more. In an important transport military site, built more than a dozen short off the city wall and multi-channel, such as the ten Yanmenguan valley, there are 28 stone walls, described as "patch of land located impaired, at every step."
Badaling is the history of the witness of many important events. Tateishi first emperor Qin Shi Huang, after the east, from the Badaling via Datong, and then riding to the Xianyang, the Queen Mother Xunxing Xiao, Yuan Taizu entry, the Yuan emperor twice a year, both from Beijing and between the Ming emperors Northern Expedition Qing Dynasty emperor foreign crusades ... ... Badaling is the necessary land. To the ancient nobility, writers and poets recited poetry Badaling is endless, the first verse is left high fitness Tang Dynasty poet, the poem he wrote, "even under the absolute slope water, the mountains were high clouds . " As for those national disputes, armored cavalry years, Badaling is staged on the history of grand opera scenes. Now, the suffering of old China, the two thousand years of feudal history of hegemony, the changing of dynasties of the past, have become a distant past. Great Wall of thousands of years, five years of culture, the times given the Badaling Great Wall with a new mission. It is valuable as a historical monument, standing in the top of mountains, sparkling brilliance of Chinese civilization and wisdom, but also emerged in the Chinese nation, is unyielding, indomitable spirit of the great quality. It becomes a people of all nationalities, overseas compatriots and international friends, the bonds of friendship. It is the human heritage.
After the founding of new China in 1952, served as Vice Premier and the Director of Culture and Education Committee with Comrade Guo proposed repair Badaling Great Wall, receive domestic and international visitors.
Since the Qing Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall has become increasingly obsolete. Off the city west of the "North gate lock and key," the city of Taiwan, more than half of mutilation; the east, "Guyan outside the town" the city crumbling pier; Great Wall of the wall, Yu wall, Embrasure, wall units, fortresses, etc. is ruins . The State Council's decision to fix the departments concerned take immediate action, and later had conducted a number of repair.
In 1961, the State Council and the Badaling pass city wall as a national key cultural relics protection units. In 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, "I love China, I repair the Great Wall," the initiative, more update looks old with big has fixes watch tower 19, the wall length of 3741 meters, so visit the 1.9 million square meters total area. In 1986, sixteen New Beijing Badaling was named one of the King. In 1987, the United Nations to accept the Great Wall as a "World Cultural Heritage." August 1991, the Badaling Great Wall as the essence of the Palace Museum in Beijing, received the UNESCO certificate issued by the cultural heritage of mankind. December 1991, held in Zhuhai, China announced the selection activities resort named four Top Ten Conference (94 sites nationwide candidate, 480,000 valid votes), Badaling famous for its attractions to the absolute 370 000 more votes, becoming the first Chinese tourist destination four Top Ten.
Famous Badaling Great Wall, known around the world. It is the Great Wall open to tourists in the first lot. "Great Wall is not a true man." So far. Badaling has received one hundred and thirty million Chinese and foreign visitors, there have been Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Elizabeth, Heath and other 372 foreign heads of state and many of the world's man of the hour, boarded the Badaling Tourism tour. This situation, in the beautiful scenic spots in the world, it is rare. Badaling Great Wall to the visitors, leaving a deep impression and endless aftertaste.
Badaling Great Wall, as the essence of the Great Wall, is to the majesty of old and young, meet attracted to, an avalanche of world tourists. Gordon the Great Wall of people, everyone surprise.

