
Pingyao Ancient City

Pingyao Ancient City, China is now the best preserved one of the four ancient city. Pingyao County, Shanxi Province, formerly known as this "ancient pottery. " The early Ming Dynasty, as a defensive interference alien South, was built walls, Hongwu years (AD 1370) in the old wall built on the basis of re-expanding and maintenance, and comprehensive package brick. After Jing, Masanori, Longqing and Wanli been ten generations in the Buxiu and repair, update the tower, an additional enemy units. Kangxi forty-three years (AD 1703) by passing the emperor West Tour Pingyao, and built four large towers, the city is more spectacular. The total circumference of 6163 m Pingyao city wall, the wall height of about 12 meters, the area of about 2.25 square kilometers of Pingyao County divides the world into two different styles. Streets within the walls, pavement, the city building to retain the Ming and Qing shape; wall, said outside the Metro. This is an ancient and modern architecture all into one, each other, it is best to endless reveries. Postcard reproduction of the main figure in this style.

Aerial view of the ancient city of Pingyao, more absolutely amazing road. The square planar walls, shaped like a turtle-like, six gates, one each in North and South, East and West of the two. South Gate city as the glans, well outside the two eyes a symbol of the turtle. North gate to Gumi is the lowest the city, the city should be all the water out after this. What city four Urn, both relative, on the west gate, the next Simon, both on the East Gate of the Barbican gate to the Nankai, the shape of turtle claw protrusion, only under the East Gate Urn straight east to open the outer gate, when the city is said to be made I am afraid the turtle crawl away to his left leg straightened, twenty miles from the city tied to the foot of the stage. This seemingly false legend, the ancient tortoise shone extremely adulation. Longevity is the turtle thing, in the eyes of the ancients as the divine nature as holy. It shows hope, by coagulation turtle power of God, so that the ancient city of Pingyao, rock-solid, impregnable Permanent, safe and sound, the profound meaning of live forever.
Pingyao is preserved within the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties county prototype. December 3, 1997, UNESCO held in Naples, Italy 21 World Heritage Committee decided to Congress to the ancient city wall of Pingyao ancient city, government office, markets, houses, temples as a whole, the "World Heritage List", which is Study of Chinese politics, economy, culture, art and religious development of the physical specimens. Pingyao Ancient City is based on the thought of Han culture and architectural style built. Now the city walls and buildings are maintained 14-18 century historical character.
China State Post Bureau to commemorate this important event in cultural history, in August 18, 2000 issued to the nation, entitled "World Cultural Heritage - Pingyao Ancient City"special stamped postcards, a set of 10, 60 points are the nominal value Circulation of 50 million sets. Patterns are: the ancient city walls, the town of Temple, Dacheng Temple Hall, Temple, Shanxi, municipal buildings, Qing Xu view Rishengchang ticket number, Ming and Qing Dynasty houses, Pingyao, the fire agency, overlooking the ancient city. This is our first attempt to release the main map and chart a different special postage stamped postcards; while respecting the wishes of the majority of stamp collectors, only the issue of domestic capital cases of 60 points a postcard. Each postcard to the size of two images, eye-opening as Han and Ming dynasties reflect the outstanding example of urban architecture and features; 10 postcards together, exhibit a Han Chinese cultural, social, economic and religious development of the full picture.

1, transportation: Pingyao ancient city about 40 kilometers away from the Qiao Family Courtyard, Pingyao from Joe to have a special soliciting Courtyard small side, about 50 or so per vehicle.
 2 Accommodation: accommodation in city is very convenient, many residential hotels. Prices vary, but the peak season prices will be very high. Corey Yuen days of the famous line, clouds in the Ming and Qing Jin into the street.
 3, tickets: Pass the implementation of Pingyao ancient city of 120, two students can buy a joint, but not half fare, effective two days, spots not sell tickets. Can not not buy votes on the walls, Rishengchang county government, other private museums, such as bodyguard to bargain. Recommended buy votes.
 4, the specialty has Pingyao beef, Aili brand as the most, you can buy near North First Escort, of course, students can also buy some wine to long (people here will tell you then Jing Yidan host a show here)
     Pingyao County restaurant features pasta is still based, and, like most places in Shanxi, one night early in the morning often millet gruel, bread, biscuits based; noon is colored pasta in a street can enjoy the Ming and Qing Ping Away from the local delicacies.

