
Taihang Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon is located in the Taihang Mountains huguan County of Changzhi City, by the fingers Gap, Longquan Gap, Gap and purple Mission Hill Wang Mang composition, covers an area of 5848 hectares, a total of 44 landscape, attractions, more than 400. There are scenic spots shade blocks out the sun, green woodlands monstrous waves, ax sliced the cliff, Creepy attitudes of the rocks, sweet and delicious springs, such as training silvery waterfalls, blue waves of the deep pools, magnificent temples, magnificent , spectacular caves, fascinating legends.
Gap fingers fingers is the entrance to the peak, the shape seems to be out of the fingers. Fingers because this mountain gorge its name. Peak set male fingers, strange, dangerous, quiet, the United States in one, not only the ax sliced the cliff, there are thousands of strange attitudes of the rocks. The ancients had this description of the peak fingers: "Cliffs five fingers open, arch must dust, Jingtao water suddenly springs up, is blowing hot and cold over there."
Grand Canyon of the strange mountains Taihang vary, there is a leisurely tea, learn chess, chess fairy; are guarding their own territory stern lion, the "detached clouds, not with the mountains Wu," the screen wall peak, with bath sunrise Rooster crowing and outstanding individual detached. Has two quaint mountain is called local paper (that) mountain, though some distance behind a thin paper, like a finger in front of another, so have been called the paper (that) mountain, but it represents a different style.
Gap in the Black Dragon fingers very clear lake, endless flowing throughout the year, in this there is a very interesting argument, it is said every time a severe drought to these people to pray for rain, but rain is the dragon who must be a and snakes, because the guard is a Black Dragon, Black Dragon Pool. The clear mountain stream to bring the people here happy. Visitors can boat the water, the raft.
Cut in the steep cliffs near the ancient plank road, there is a bridge known as fairy stone bridge, it worked Yu Jin communication between the economic and cultural exchanges set no small credit. Fairy bridge built in the Ming Dynasty, long meter, sophomore fifteen meters, structured, robust and simple. According to legend, was once Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Qin five provinces eighth House, ninety-six popular participation in the construction of the county. Not far from the fairy bridge, which connects a solid bridge, cross the bridge and connected to the cave to enter the Longquan Gorge.
Longquan Gap Gap and fingers are two different climatic zones. Good climatic conditions for grass Longquan Gap abundance of water the United States and rich. Longquan Gorge Falls with its deafening roar, splash waterfalls, gives a strong impact.
Gap has a Longquan from ancient Shanxi Henan into the barrier, the river is called off. Although it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution when, but "off the river," words they can see that the contours can also see the ancient customs, ancient bridges and traces of ancient plank road. Records of Three Kingdoms period is a high-ranking cadres kill Cao Cao broken off from here into the Taihang Mountains huguan captured.
Sakamoto also gut the Central Plains and the ancient line of communication so Shangdang an inevitable risk of road, which due to narrow roads, weaves like mule named. Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao to attack entrenched in the Shangdang shuaibing huguan the senior cadres, the way here, he composed a poem "the bitter cold of the line," lamented the difficulties of this line: "north Taihang Mountains, the storm Zai He Proof to Osaka's long and gut, wheel worth destroying. He blows the trees, the North wind is sad. ... .... " Tso Kung on top of base is the result of Cao Cao's two-Shangdang scored the last time the remains of a fortress.
Out of the Longquan Gap, and the third is the Wang Mang canyon gorge. Yu Wang Mang Gap, not less than eighteen. Eighteen people to the Tang dynasty when the communication culture of the party and the Central Plains on the commercial exchange excavated in the cliffs. It was washed across the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi people donated to re-build the ancient plank road, a total puzzle of the thirteen hundred steps, is now being replaced by shade forest roads, it is now only eighteen a major scenic tourist spot.
Wang Mang, a deep gorge in the cave, kill legend is the Wang Mang Liu Xiu, Xiu hiding place. In the gorge there are many on the Wang Mang Wang Mang, Liu Xiu's story. Legend in the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang seized power, he kill emperor Liu Xiu, has been tracked from Henan here, Xiu came to stealth as a rock cliff, and Wang Mang did not find his way here to kill, a falling inattentive the abyss, it's darling hung in the cliffs, in the future to form a heartless stone.
Mission Hill is not only produced excellent purple purple delegation to participate in the mountains is also laden with lush fruit colors, the Taihang Grand Canyon Tour adds new content.
Taihang Grand Canyon park there woody flowers, herbs and other 300 kinds of rare plants, in particular, is a natural growth of the sub-tropical species of Taxus in the Grand Canyon of the emergence of the Grand Canyon even more mysterious.
    If you stay in the Huguan County, but living in Huguan hotel. Many farmers in the area stay inn, near the Longquan recommended red beans Gap Gap Inn, clean, double room 20 per ... huguan Hotel: Standard Room 90,100 yuan /, located in the ancient city of Huguan County Road 10; Phone: 0355-779377
    From Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taiyuan and other places to fly to Changzhi Changzhi of entries in the airport and then take the bus bound for Huguan County. Or direct hit to get off Huguan County in the county, there are many private taxi to the Grand Canyon. As the local taxi drivers have a certain cost to the water, you need visitors and they say a good price in advance of different prices in different vehicles.
    Huguan Huimian
    Speaking of noodles, may be the most adept of Shanxi, there are many sides in the Huguan practice.
    After traveling to the Taihang Grand Canyon can enjoy a large bowl of fun! Face a variety of toppings is also useful, generally called the smell of urine from Shanxi, where we can eat a lot of delicious pasta, there are Huguan Huimian huguan ribs face, according to their preferences, noodle usually have beef and mutton, but the taste is still the best of the best local lamb.
    At the same time come back plate of the famous huguan Sauce drinks, that feeling can not be made in the United States!

